Saturday, April 25, 2009

Killing time

I am now in a netbar, it is sunday and I am just killing time, someone is playing shuo ai ni in loud speakers, the keaboard is making me frustrated, the buttons just wont respond when i press them. I just finished ,my milk tea, I love milk tea!!!!!!!

May is coming soon. This year I will not see any big fire on the last of April, but Chongqing is already too hot, a fire would just not be suitable. In the walking street of YangJiaPing on weekends they always have alot of performances and promotions, just before enter this very netbar i saw some remarkable performances that i want to share.
Anorexia dance. a dance show to promote a SUV car, 5 pretty girls came out on the stage, and started to do a syncronized dance show. They were very talented, in my opinion they deserve a better audiens. The girl to the right was feichang skinny! I think she didnt eat much dumpling lately, her muscles were not enough to keep her smil up, and her moves was not as fast as the other girls, I was worried that she would faint, luckely she didnt. She survived. But they left the stage without appluse. seems like no performance got applouse, people just wanted to have the car.
Tarzan and jane. at another stage just outside this netbar there was another very impressive act, two guys dressed like tarzan was literaly playing with fire, and two girls lingered around them, dancing to the techno music which the kids love. the girls didnt have much cloths, they were playing Jane (Tarzans girl) i think. one of them got a bit carried away, and one of her breast popped out, directly all the guys raised their cameras to get a photo. I just felt embarrassed, but the funny thing is that the girl on the stage just didnt notice, or maybe she didnt care, she just kept on shaking to the music.

Tonight me and Sherry is going to ShaPingBa to hang out with some friends, right now i am just waiting for her to get of work. I wish i can be with her more often.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Some of what i have done the last three months

Some of Chongqing

Chongqing is so beautifull, the nightview of the walking streets over here is one of the most remarkable things ive experienced. Life is more social here, always eat out together with friends. One day I wanna show this place to all my friends and family back in Sweden. I made a lot of good friends here, which i like very much!

Some of Yao er!

For two months i have been together with my girlfriend Cheng si (AKA Sherry AKA Si si, AKA Pamela, AKA dui tou, AKA Cecilia, Guai guai de yao er). She is so incredible person i met over here, and i am so happy i met her. We knew each other before I came to China, and met up after spring festival, meeting her in real life was totaly different from what I imagined after talking to her online. First time we met was my last day living in Jiangbei before i moved to Zhongxian, when I walked home that day I just was so amazed of this new person I met, before that day she was one of the contacts I knew from online which I am just happy to talk to because they are from Chongqing (the place I was about to move to and was so eager to learn about). One week later she spend Valentines day with me, not long after, we got together.
Every weekend we meet, Highligts of the weekends! Let me tell you about her eyes, they are round (from a 3dimensional perspective) almost like a fish, a very very cute fish! photos cant capture this. you must come and see for yourself, its one of those nice pairs you dont see often.

Some of Teaching

I now had my first working day in my 3rd county town. This new city is called Yongchuan, everytime I suck it in, it really goes down smooth. Recently I had my first fylla (pardon my Swedish), and the adress is Yongchuan!. Few things beat the BBQs with the xiong di hou.
Classes today really knocked me for a loop, I just came from a middle school in Bishan to a middle school in Yongchuan and the level of the students English between the different schools have a gap bigger then Steven Tailors mouth in the open state. But sometimes I feal something special for the "bad classes", they have the real characters, the ones who i get inspired of, even though they dance and screem in class, and I have to spend most time tickle them and dance with them, I still feel that they give me most in return (besides from the terrible head ache), I mean during class I wont say this, but afterwards when I get home. When i left Bishan i often shed a tear for those adorable B students who played tricks on me everyday, and make paperplanes of the study material. I really miss them. And one day I will go back to bishan to hang around with these kids, during class they are a risk for my health, but when I think of them I almost wish they were my kids. One day when I hand out some english study material they all trached it and may gifts for me, paper hearts and paperbirds, and often they just come and hug me, and one day when it was raining tons of students sqeezed in under my umbrella.
As one of those tear dripping shakespear stories we coudlnt stay together, i had to leave and my company let the students believe that I went back to Sweden so I cant even talk to them on QQ anymore. I left Bishan with song of the mando pop singer Zhang Zhen Yue

Some of what Ive learned

Now i have been here in Chongqing for 3 months, it has been 3 very special months for me. I learned alot (besides just Chinese) . I learned alot about Sweden, it is amazing how much you can learn about a country by leaving it, exactly what ive learned about sweden is outside the scope of this blog post, it may need a whole book for that. And I also proved for myself that I can handle all this myself, start a life in another country. It has been a very intensive course in something that university can never teach me, and i dont know what to call the knowledge i constantly acquiring, its very tacit.
Teaching 1200 students every week is quite cool, they see me as a superstar, they want my autograph, want to have idol photos. This is something which i first was to shy and humble to face. Recently i just see it as my time on the stage, and I learn alot about retorics, communication and pedagogic in a natural way. These three are just the fields (besides linguistics) I have started to get very interested in for a second bachelor.

One day I heard a chinglish expression "You don't want to change again?", meaning change girlfriend. When I first heard that I really felt its a bizzar question, I know its just Chinglish but it made me think. I like the kind of love that dont bring conditions, the kind of love where people dont tear on each other, where people totally trust each other and dont try to control each others life, just live day by day. The only reason that keep them together is the love. In Sweden many old fashion couples try to save their marrige by getting another child (in my opinion they just trap the bad love even more). I am with Sherry just because she is the person that I love, no other reasons. And in a way marrige is a way to say that "I will not change again", I believe marrige can be something beautifull, but to use it as a way to insuring the relationship so the married couple then can relax and start peeing with the door open and start wearing sunky cloths, is something I really will avoid. When it comes to love i dont want to "grow up", I never want the love to be ordinary.
All I know is that I love Cheng si

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hello Moto

我好久在这里没有写了。 一切很好,我现在住在壁山,很方便的城市, 这里很干净,不太多人, 不管去那里不用坐车,都可以走路。
我最近没有很多空, 每天工作,每个周末去重庆, 其实星期3没有课, 可是我还忙因为我必须备课(下个星期的课)。

我恋爱了, 我的女朋友叫程思,她是一个重庆美女,我们已经一个月在一起。 这个周末是第一次周末他不在, 他去了广州出差。
上个周末我们去了成都玩, 很幸福的旅游。我们见面了程思的姨妈和叔叔,他们很好人,他们周末都跟我们一起玩。

现在我在家里,一个人,还有很无聊, 我很想程思。


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


我现在在忠县, 去重庆需要3个小时, 很小的地方可是我已经习惯了,我觉得这里很有意思。我的房间又干净又好看。我有一个新的Flatmate叫Raff, 真好人。

昨天开学, 我不知道了我应该工作, 所以我没准备好了,可是一切很好, 同学喜欢我。可是下课以后我很累。我的同学都不会英文, 我说 My Name Is Marcus, 他们回答 My Name Is Marcus, 我说 What Is Your Name? 他们回答What Is Your Name? 哈哈,所以我开始说中文,要不然我不知道怎么办。


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Winnie, DemoClass,鞋子, 还有看医生

我今天去看医生, 我的WorkVisa需要Medical Examination, 我现在知道我的bloodtyp是"o". 我最后找到鞋子,哈哈 白色的, 不是我的Size,是44,我的是45, 可是没关系。
明天再有一个Demo Class, 我现在准备。

Thursday, January 29, 2009


我昨天见一个网上的朋友,她叫Alice, 我们一起去解放碑几个小时玩儿。 第一个地方是一个Arcade Hall, 哈哈在那里我看到一个好笑的翻译, Pool/Snooker可是英文写的Table Tennis。然后我们去拍Decorated photo stickers!! 很开心,这个公司可以给我们在网上看照片,你们看



然后我们试找鞋子,我需要鞋子,我的鞋子都还在哥德堡。 可是在重庆没有商店有那么大的。 我需要45,可是最大我找到的鞋子是44的。我大概需要在网上买。 那天天气很好,所以在街上有很多人, 一些陌生人对我拍照。我开始以为我是一个外星人。

今天天气也很好,可是我很累,我在家看书, 我也许晚上出去。

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


我根Jovi的家人一起去sightseeing, museum, pirate city, 吃好吃的午饭还有好吃的晚饭。 那天我真的很高兴, 跟这么好的人在一起就是幸福 。

3PM起床, 吃方便面,天都在家看电视,跟Hima一起谈。

我和Nola去洋人街, WOW, 可是在那以前我和Nola拍照片就是那个decorated sticker photos!!